Profile for Spain
Name Spain Spain flag
Players 17256
Ranking 61354.78
Ranking position 13

Members of Spain sorted by Ranking
# Name Ranking
153 mikelxu 6137.81
189 Juanete 6114.07
247 Sayler 6089.70
253 Mirlo 6086.84
263 Charlosxxx 6082.70
295 juanini 6062.76
298 YsD 6062.24
304 Karreta 6060.47
307 Chiguagua 6058.92
329 Sangfreda 6051.62
331 Dps 6050.48
341 Labi 6045.72
347 Juanosky 6043.89
364 rosko 6033.20
392 alfa19 6022.89
405 pochete 6019.01
412 tiolavara2 6017.44
418 eder97 6013.72
436 dps2 6007.21
449 tiolavara1 6002.72

Pages: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 >

Top players
# Name Ranking
1 AkaM 6199.63
2 Degn 6199.08
3 PrimusK 6198.78
4 Haruspex 6198.44
5 pebe 6198.33

Top teams
# Name Ranking
1 Simulacra 24794.92
2 Bitchslap 24788.72
3 Timeless 24784.83
4 Berrichons 24773.18
5 Shortcut 24722.47

Top countries
# Name Ranking
1 Finland 61935.85
2 United States 61873.81
3 France 61865.00
4 Germany 61824.78
5 United Kingdom 61796.14

Latest top scores
Date Name Track Result
3 h ago Fixaider Hard 3: Jumpy Ride 00:52:18
4 h ago Fixaider Easy 1: Construction Work 00:21:28
4 h ago Fixaider Downloadable-1: Autobahn 00:25:85
4 h ago Fixaider Dynamic 2: Fun With Physics? 01:13:56
4 h ago Fixaider Flip 2: Just Flip 13

Active players 194472

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