Profile for Australia
Name Australia Australia flag
Players 7337
Ranking 61413.10
Ranking position 12

Members of Australia sorted by Ranking
# Name Ranking
10 Lestropie 6196.29
23 Sloss 6192.43
41 TammyB 6185.10
276 J0SH 6076.26
291 DrunkenCab 6066.36
346 ShercoMoto 6043.98
359 Braddo 6037.16
429 MystoPig 6008.93
435 farnsi 6008.12
468 Scorpa 5994.52
504 JakeHancoc 5980.36
568 LordH8Y 5951.56
571 jersey 5950.42
589 Mike06 5945.62
591 Metalz0r 5945.27
594 LuKeMaff 5944.35
615 Anklyne 5935.26
627 HOGulous 5930.42
696 Rippin 5899.61
753 Evilince 5879.32

Pages: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 >

Top players
# Name Ranking
1 AkaM 6199.63
2 Degn 6199.08
3 PrimusK 6198.78
4 Haruspex 6198.44
5 pebe 6198.33

Top teams
# Name Ranking
1 Simulacra 24794.92
2 Bitchslap 24788.72
3 Timeless 24784.83
4 Berrichons 24773.18
5 Shortcut 24722.47

Top countries
# Name Ranking
1 Finland 61935.85
2 United States 61873.81
3 France 61865.00
4 Germany 61824.78
5 United Kingdom 61796.14

Latest top scores
Date Name Track Result
64 min ago TrippTrapp Dynamic 3: Shaky Grounds 01:04:13
82 min ago TrippTrapp Dynamic 2: Fun With Physics? 01:10:33
107 min ago Sapito Medium 1: Too many tires 06:18:30
2 h ago cayde6 Medium 6: I Want Squirrels! 02:54:43
2 h ago cayde6 Medium 5: Pipedreams 00:46:96

Active players 194472

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